False 'gods' are everywhere!

A false god is something that you worship, serve or gain fulfilment from. It can be anything from money or work to religion or charity.

False gods are a vain attempt to avoid the pain we feel but are often unaware of.

Some common ones are listed: the answer to all of them can be found only in Jesus.

He can go back through time into your history and speak truth. This means the REASON you use these things as gods and to avoid pain can be healed.

for instance - if you believe by EXPERIENCE that if you do not perform no one will love you:

You might know in your head that this isn't true - but that doesn't help. Repeating it over & over doesn't give lasting results either (cognitive therapy requires continual effort too).

But Jesus can visit you in the place that you first learned this lie and speak truth. Radical transformation will result - maintenance free healing!

The only safe and Biblically sound way of doing this is Theophostic Prayer Ministry. Only visit someone who is qualified and practises TPM in it's pure form. Avoid all guided imagery or other totally dangerous ministries. God will use TPM to help you!

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